Interfaith Network of Concern for the People of Iraq

Talks available on video tape:
McDermott, Sacks, Ritter, Rokke, and others

Four video tapes are available for non-profit distribution. The cost to us is $6 for each tape of approximately 75 minutes in length. The intention is to make these available at cost with the hope that various peace and justice organizations will buy them and offer them for donations of $7 to $10 at different events for their own fundraising.

  1. Congressman Jim McDermott and Bert Sacks speaking in Ballard on January 3, 2003. This event was organized by SNOWFremont and the footage for the tape was provided by Dustin Moon and Paul Richmond. The length of the tape is approximately 75 minutes and includes both talks and question and answer period.
  2. Thirty-minute edited version of Scott Ritter talk in Seattle on October 5, 2002. It is very dense and powerful. The footage was provided by Mike McCormick. This tape also includes the talk by Bert Sacks in Ballard on January 3, 2003 (see above), along with the Q&A section. Total length is approximately 75 minutes.
  3. Dr. Doug Rokke's talk in Seattle on November 14, 2002, on "Depleted Uranium and the Gulf War Syndrome." Doug Rokke is a Vietnam and Gulf War combat veteran, was a health physicist assigned to the US Army DU Assessment team during the Gulf War, and later served as the US Army DU Project director from 1994 to 1995. The footage was provided by Mike McCormick. The length of the tape is over an hour.
  4. Thirty-minute edited version of Dr. Doug Rokke's talk in Seattle on November 14, 2002 (see above), which may be more convenient to show at events or meetings that have other activities planned.
  5. 33-minute tape containing Gerri Haynes, Rev. Sharon Moe, & Rev. Rich Gamble: "Reflections on Journeys to Iraq" (20 min.), The Poetry of Larry Kerschner: Poems and images of Iraq (6 min.), and Photo album: "The People and Land of Iraq" (7 min.). new

Video #1, #2, and #5 are also available on a CD-ROM for PC and Mac computers. Excerpts of #1 and #5 are on an audio-only CD compatible with any compact disk player. The CD-ROM and CD are available as a two-disk set. For details, click here.

For more information or to request videos, email Please write "video" in the subject line if you have questions or would like to order. For a convenient order form, click here.


Updated on April 6, 2003.

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